
Marijuana: is it time to stop using a word with racist roots?

As marijuana arrests disproportionately affect minorities, controversy grows over a term prohibitionists hoped would appeal to xenophobia.,brothel%E2%80%9D%20%E2%80%93%20Maria%20y%20Juana Click here to go back to our Library!

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History of Marijuana

A short article about the history of Marijuana and how it deem illegal to possess. Click here to go back to our Library!

Is There a Link Between Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome and Scromiting?

Cannabis use continues to rise in the U.S. as more states legalize its use. But cannabis can lead to side effects, including some potentially serious ones. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a medical condition that’s becoming more common among people who use cannabis. Click here to go back to our Library!

The Eternal Connection Between Lord Shiva And Marijuana

For centuries, Marijuana, in some form or the other, has been consumed in India. As per the Vedic scriptures, Marijuana (cannabis) is considered to be one of the five most sacred plants. It is also deemed to be a rich source of happiness, liberation, and compassion. Click here to go back to our Library!

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Gallup Polls: Marijuana

A search of different articles related to Marijuana Click here to go back to our Library!

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Effects of Drug Policy Liberalization on Public Safety: A Review of the Literature

After decades of criminalization, cannabis policy has liberalized rapidly throughout the U.S. in the 21st century. Following cannabis legalization in Colorado and Washington, legalization has gained momentum in many other U.S. states. While some states have fully legalized recreational cannabis for adult use, others have only decriminalized or legalized medical use. These reforms may have …

Effects of Drug Policy Liberalization on Public Safety: A Review of the Literature Read More »

Consumer Report

An article about how to use/consume CBD Click here to go back to our Library!

Consumer Report

Does Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is legal in some states, but Medicare will not cover it because it is considered an illegal schedule one drug by the federal government. However, some cannabinoid medications may be covered by Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans. Click here to go back to our Library!