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National Domestic Violence Hotline

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a lifeline for individuals facing the harrowing realities of domestic abuse in the United States. Established in 1996, this vital resource has since been at the forefront of combating domestic violence, providing support, information, and hope to those in need.

Operating 24/7, the hotline offers a safe, confidential, and judgment-free space for survivors, concerned friends or family members, and even perpetrators seeking guidance to break the cycle of violence. Highly trained advocates, fluent in multiple languages, are ready to listen, validate experiences, and offer critical information on safety planning, legal options, and community resources.

Beyond crisis intervention, the National Domestic Violence Hotline works tirelessly to raise awareness, foster prevention, and engage in research to better understand and combat domestic violence. This organization plays a pivotal role in saving lives, offering hope, and empowering survivors on their journey to safety and healing. It serves as a beacon of support, reminding individuals that they are not alone and that help is just a call or chat away.

Hotline: 1.800.799.7233

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