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Indigenous Cannabis Industry Association (ICIA)

Building an equitable and sustainable Indigenous cannabis industry through thoughtful policy. Working directly with local representatives to ensure fair implementation and enforcement of cannabis policies, serving as a conduit of information for Tribal Nations and the community. Providing resources for Tribal governments and Indigenous people to advocate for better policies. Empowering Indigenous entrepreneurs, Tribal Nations, and communities through education, resources, and economic opportunities. Offering webinars, bootcamps, and other educational events. Developing the workforce in Indigenous communities. Providing online business and policy tools, resources, and cannabis conviction expungement clinics. Educating the community on safe, effective, and responsible cannabis use. Facilitating connections through ICIA’s network, linking Tribal Nations, industry partners, advocacy groups, mentors, businesses, and aspiring entrepreneurs. Connecting with ICIA’s network through events, business spotlights, and speaking opportunities. Engaging with lawmakers, regulators, consumers, patients, and cannabis business owners who share ICIA’s values and objectives.

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