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Heffter Research Institute

The Heffter Research Institute is dedicated to conducting top-tier scientific research utilizing classic hallucinogens and related compounds, commonly referred to as psychedelics. Our mission is to advance the understanding of the mind, ultimately enhancing the human condition and alleviating suffering. Established as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) scientific organization in New Mexico in 1993, the Institute has played a pivotal role in shaping, assessing, and financially backing groundbreaking studies on psilocybin across renowned research institutions in the United States and Europe. Our investigations encompass a wide spectrum, ranging from exploring psilocybin’s potential in treating cancer-related distress and addiction to delving into the nexus between the psychedelic encounter and spirituality, as well as conducting fundamental scientific inquiries into brain activity, cognition, and behavior. At the core of our belief is the conviction that psychedelics harbor vast untapped therapeutic capacities, necessitating robust, independently funded scientific exploration to ascertain their optimal applications in medical practice. As a non-endowed foundation, we rely on continual funding support to sustain our vital research endeavors.

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