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Codependents of Sex Addicts or Co-Sex Addicts (COSA)

COSA, short for “Co-dependents of Sex Addicts,” is a compassionate mental health resource designed to support individuals navigating the challenges of being in relationships with sex addicts. With a focus on healing and understanding, COSA provides a safe space for members to share their experiences, struggles, and triumphs. Through confidential meetings, participants find solace in knowing they are not alone in their journey toward recovery.

The program fosters a sense of community, encouraging open dialogue and the exchange of coping strategies. Trained facilitators guide discussions, offering practical tools for establishing healthy boundaries and rebuilding self-esteem. COSA aims to empower its members to break free from the cycle of co-dependency, promoting individual well-being and fostering healthier connections. In this nurturing environment, participants discover strength in vulnerability, fostering resilience on the path to personal healing and renewed relationships. COSA stands as a beacon of support, reminding individuals that, no matter the struggle, healing is possible with the right community and resources.

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