Alkemist Labs
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Since the inception of Alkemist Labs, we have prioritized work/life balance and quality of life for our team. CEO Elan Sudberg shares his perspective:
“My wife, before becoming a full-time domestic engineer, worked for Fortune 500 companies. Despite the excellent pay and benefits, she was consumed by work. Evenings and weekends were spent preparing for the next workday, leaving little time to enjoy the fruits of her labor. This lack of work/life balance led to resentment towards the companies she worked for.
From the outset of Alkemist Labs, I was committed to ensuring that our employees and their families never experienced such a demanding environment. I wanted not only my team but also their loved ones (partners, children, parents, pets…) to be happy. As we grew, our focus on culture remained strong and continues to be a top priority today.
We value our team’s feedback and ensure their voices are heard through tools like TinyPulse, an anonymous employee survey platform. This tool enhances communication and transparency, helps us understand and improve our culture, and reduces turnover. We eagerly anticipate responding to the comments and suggestions from our upcoming survey. Our commitment to our employees’ happiness is reflected in our proud display of the TINYbadge, which showcases our outstanding ratings.
Philanthropy is another cornerstone of our culture. We organize events to raise funds and collect equipment donations for various causes such as pet shelters, women’s shelters, food banks, and school lunch programs. These initiatives are driven by our staff’s priorities, reflecting our commitment to giving back to the community.”
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Cannabis-Related Sites
- 1906 (Nineteen O Six)
- A Green Legacy
- Abstrax Tech
- AK Aveksha
- Akene
- Alchimia
- Alkemist Labs
- Allay Cannabis Consulting
- AllBud
- Amber Senter
- American Bankers Association
- American Cannabis Bankers Association
- American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU)
- American Herbal Products Association (AHPA)
- Americans for Safe Access
- Asian Americans for Cannabis Education
- Asian Cannabis Roundtable
- Association for Cannabis Health Equity and Medicine (ACHEM)
- Aster Farms
- B-Noble
- Baked Smart
- Balca
- Barbari
- Bennabis Health
- Better Days Delivery
- Better Organization to Win Legalization (BOWL)
- Bhang
- Binske
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- Black Buddha Cannabis
- Blak Mar Farms
- Blaze
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- Blunt Strategies
- Bolton & Company
- Bonanza Cannabis
- Bonaventure Equity
- Bonsai Cultivation
- Botani Co.
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- Business of Cannabis
- Buy Weed From Women
- California Cannabis Industry Association
- Calm Better Days
- Calyxeum
- Canna Connection
- Cannabis Banking Ecosystem
- Cannabis Connect
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- Cannabis Noire
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- Ciencia Labs
- Clark Hill
- Claybourne Co.
- Cognitive Harmony Tech (CHT)
- CohnReznick
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- Cookies
- Council for Federal Cannabis Regulation
- Cresco Labs
- Crop King Seeds
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- Dear Cannabis;
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- Diasporic Alliance for Cannabis Opportunities (DACO)
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- Dime Bags
- Diversity and Inclusion: Holding America’s Large Banks Accountable
- Dixie
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- Dope CFO
- Dope DFO
- Dr. Damas
- Dr. Peter Grinspoon
- Drops
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- Elevate Jane
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- Floret Coalition
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- Holistic Industries
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- Humboldt Finest
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- Indigenous Cannabis Industry Association (ICIA)
- Indiva Advisors
- InnDica
- International Cannabis Bar Association (INCBA)
- Jage Media
- JLUSA (Just Leadership USA)
- Kanha
- Kazmira
- Kiskanu
- Koffman Southern Tier Incubator
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- Lab Effects
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- Leaf411
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- Loud Cloud Health
- Lowell Farms
- Lucy's Natural Remedies
- Lumpy's Flowers
- Lumpy’s Flowers
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- marQaha
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- Maryland Cannabis Equity Collective
- Maryland Healthy Alternatives Association
- Maryland Hemp Coalition
- Master of Science Medical Cannabis and Therapeutics
- Master of Science Medical Cannabis and Therapeutics
- Master of Science Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics
- Maven
- MDI and CDFI Bank Headquarters and Branches
- Medical Cannabis South Africa
- Medical Jane
- Metrc
- Midwest Hemp Council
- Midwestern Hemp Council
- Mimea
- Minorities for Medical Marijuana
- Minority Cannabis Academy
- Minority Cannabis Business Association
- Miss Grass
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- Mota
- Mota Marketing
- Mountaintop Extract
- Ms. Jane
- My Bud Vase
- My Dope CPA
- National Association of Black Cannabis Lawyers (NABCL)
- National Association of Black Cannabis Lawyers (NABCL)
- National Association of Cannabis Accounting and Tax Professionals (NACATPROS)
- National Association of Cannabis Businesses (NACB)
- National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA)
- National Clinical Director Consortium (NCDC)
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
- National Craft Cannabis Coalition (NCCC)
- National Library of Medicine
- Native Nubian Wellness
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- New Life CPR, LLC
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- Revolutionary Clinic
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- Saving Sophie
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- Se7enleaf
- Secret Nature (Artisan CBD)
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- The National Diversity and Inclusion Cannabis Alliance (NDICA)
- The National Hispanic Cannabis Council
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- Thermidor
- This is Jane Project
- Thomas Jefferson University (Cannabis Medicine Certificate)
- Tokeativity
- Token Timber
- Tonic
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- useCannabisright
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- Veterans Initiative 22
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- Way of Leaf
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- Where’s Weed
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- Willie Reserve
- Willie's Reserve
- Willow Industries
- Winged
- Women Employed in Cannabis (WEIC)
- Women Grow
- Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce
- Wonderleaf
- Wyld
- Xula
- Show Remaining Articles ( 340 ) Collapse Articles
Cannabis-Related Articles, Books, and Others
- A Tale of Two Countries: Racially Targeted Arrests in The Era of Marijuana Reform
- A Woman's Guide to Cannabis: Using Marijuana to Feel Better, Look Better, Sleep Better–and Get High Like a Lady
- Alabama War on Marijuana
- American Hemp Farmer: Adventures and Misadventures in the Cannabis Trade
- Asa's Medicine by Ashley Wynn-Grimes
- Behind the Times: The 19 States Where a Joint Can Still Land You in Jail
- Berkeley University of California
- Black Cannabis Magazine
- Budtender Education: Cannabis Education for Budtenders from an Oakland Equity Perspective by Javier Armas
- Business of Cannabis
- California Leaf
- Canadian Cannabis Industry facts and figures - Government of Canada industry
- Canna Reporter
- Cannabinomics: The Marijuana Policy Tipping Point
- Cannabis
- Cannabis accounts, Statistics Canada. Contains data, reports and analysis
- Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer's Guide to an Ancient Plant Spirit Ally-Stephen Gray
- Cannabis and Tech Today
- Cannabis Business Executive
- Cannabis Business Times
- Cannabis for Beginners by Bevon Findley
- Cannabis Health News
- Cannabis Now
- Cannabis Patient Care
- Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana by Michael Backes
- Cannabis Science and Technology
- Cannabis Startups Navigate Regulations, Lack Of Capital To Plant Industry Seeds
- Cannabis Use and Resting State Functional Connectivity in the Aging Brain
- Cannabiz Africa
- CannaRegs
- CBD and Cannabis Info
- Consumer Report
- Consumer Report
- Courage in Cannabis, An Anthology Of Inspiring Stories Written By Heroes by Dr. Bridget Cole Williams
- Courage in Cannabis, The Triumphant Stories by Dr. Bridget Cole Williams
- Dam Connections
- Demographics Now
- Different Leaf
- Does Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana
- Drexel University
- Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana
- Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear by Dr. Carl Hart
- Drug War Heresies: Learning from Other Vices, Times, and Places
- Effects of Drug Policy Liberalization on Public Safety: A Review of the Literature
- Essential Cannabis Book: A Field Guide for the Curious by Rob Mejia
- Fat Nugs Magazine
- Free Refills: A Doctor Confronts His Addiction by Dr. Peter Grinspoon
- Fuego 4.20
- Gallup Polls: Marijuana
- Ganjapreneur
- Getting Baked: Everything You Need to Know about Hemp, CBD, and Medicinal Gardening by Barb Webb
- Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America by Emily Dufton
- Green Market Report
- Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana by Dan Michaels
- Healing with Cannabis: The Evolution of the Endocannabinoid System and How Cannabinoids Help Relieve PTSD, Pain, MS, Anxiety, and More-Cheryl Pellerin
- Hemp Gazette
- Hemp Industry Daily
- Herbage Magazine
- High Times
- History of Marijuana
- Honeysuckle
- How to Smoke Pot Properly A Highbrow Guide to Getting High
- How to Succeed in the Cannabis Industry: For Professionals, Contractors and Entrepreneurs-Dasheeda Dawson
- IBIS World
- Is There a Link Between Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome and Scromiting?
- Journal of Cannabis Research: a new international, multi-disciplinary, open access journal
- Law 360
- Legal and Practical Issues of Medical Marijuana
- Legalized It!: Inside Colorado and Washington State’s Historic Votes to End Marijuana Prohibition, and Other Tales of Adventure from a Fully-Embedded High Times Reporter
- Marijuana 101 by Professor Lee
- Marijuana as Medicine: The Science Behind the Controversy
- Marijuana Chemistry: Genetics, Processing, and Potency by Michael Starks
- Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible by Jorge Cervantes
- Marijuana Moment
- Marijuana Today Daily
- Marijuana Venture
- Marijuana: is it time to stop using a word with racist roots?
- Medical Cannabis Patients Report Improvements in Health Functioning and Reductions in Opiate Use
- Merry Jane
- MJ Biz Daily (Marijuana Business Daily)
- New Cannabis Ventures
- Okanagan College
- Pitchbook
- Portland State University
- Psychedelic Cannabis-Daniel McQueen
- Psychedelic Cannabis: Breaking the Gate-Daniel McQueen
- Pub Med
- Rutgers University Libraries
- Seeing Through the Smoke: A Cannabis Specialist Untangles the Truth about Marijuana by Peter Grinspoon
- Simon Fraser University
- Skunk
- Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana - Medical, Recreational and Scientific
- Stigmatized: A Hero's Journey-Ashley Wynn-Grimes
- Success Centers
- The Budtender's Guide By Oaksterdam University
- The Calm Cool and Pain Management
- The Cannabis Business Book: How to Succeed in Weed According to 50 Industry Insiders
- The Cannabis Business: Understanding Law, Finance, and Governance in America's Newest Industry-Vicente Sederburg
- The Cannabis Dictionary: Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis, from Health and Science to THC and CBD
- The Cannabis Encyclopedia The Definitive Guide to Cultivation & Consumption of Medical Marijuana by Jorge Cervantes
- The Cannabis Industry Accounting and Appraisal Guide: Indispensable Resources on Taxation, Financial Accounting, and the Appraisal of Cannabis-Related Intellectual Property and Business Interests
- The Cannabis Industry Journal
- The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm for Wellness by Steve DeAngelo
- The Cannabis News Hub
- The Cannabis Reporter
- The Cannabist
- The Cannimag
- The Emerald Magazine
- The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana
- The Eternal Connection Between Lord Shiva And Marijuana
- The Hemp Cannabis Magazine
- The Medical Cannabis Guidebook: The Definitive Guide to Using and Growing Medicinal Marijuana by Jeff Ditchfield and Mel Thomas
- The Medical Cannabis Primer: Ushering in the Golden Age Marijuana
- The Medical Marijuana Guide: Cannabis and Your Health by Patricia C. Frye
- The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream
- The Official High Times Pot Smoker's Handbook
- The Pew Research Center
- The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis: Its Role in Medicine, Politics, Science, and Culture by Julie Holland
- The Rebel’s Apothecary by Jenny Sansouci
- University of Denver University of Libraries
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Toronto
- Walsh University
- WebMD
- Weed Witch
- What Equity in Cannabis Should Look Like with Success Centers
- Whiteout How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America
- Yale University Library
- Show Remaining Articles ( 113 ) Collapse Articles
State by State
- Articles coming soon
Cannabis-Related Media
- 15 Things You Didn’t Know About The Marijuana Industry
- A doctor's case for medical marijuana
- Behind the smokescreen of medical cannabis
- Cannabis Gave Me a Voice
- Cannabis on the Ballot: Lessons Learned from the Marijuana Reform Movement
- Cannabis: Separating the Science from the Hype
- Canverse
- Decoding Cannabis: Creating Precise Medicine One DNA at a Time
- Growing Award-Winning Cannabis in a Residential Garage
- Hidden Dangers of Legal Weed
- Holiday highs and lows: Mental health experts weigh in on cannabis use
- How America Botched Cannabis Legalization
- How Berner Built Cookies To Stand Out In The Cannabis Industry
- How Can We Improve the Cannabis Culture?
- How Lowell Herb Co. Makes 4 Million Joints A Year
- How People Make It In the Legal Weed Business
- How to Build a Cannabis Business
- How to Dominate the Cannabis Industry
- Is Marijuana Legalization Inevitable In the US?
- Is “diet weed” really the new weight loss drug?
- Licensing Caps and Vertical Integration in the Cannabis Industry: Market Implications and Outcomes
- Making peace with cannabis
- Marijuana Use and Your Heart Health
- Not a SAFE Bet: Equitable Access to Cannabis Banking
- President Biden's Pardons: What It Means for Cannabis and Criminal Justice Reform
- Seth Rogen Shares The Secret To Growing His Cannabis Brand Houseplant
- Start to Finish Cannabis Grow Guide
- Stoners coming out – beyond the marijuana monster myths
- Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis
- The Cannabis Mirror
- The Consequences of Marijuana Legalization
- The Devastating Risk of Getting High
- The endocannabinoid system and the revolution of one
- The Future of the Cannabis Industry
- The Future of Weed: HIGH COUNTRY
- The History of Marijuana in the US According to Tommy Chong
- The Potential Benefits of Medical Marijuana
- The surprising connection between cannabis and mind-body health
- The surprising story of medical marijuana and pediatric epilepsy
- This New Law Will Change How We Look At Cannabis
- Veterans and Patients
- Weed is legal: This is how you grow marijuana at home
- Why I changed my mind about medicinal cannabis
- Why outlawing cannabis was a HUGE mistake
- Why Starting A Marijuana Business Is So Hard
- Show Remaining Articles ( 30 ) Collapse Articles
Psychedelics Resources
- A Beginner’s Guide on how to Safely do Magic Mushrooms as a Black Person
- American Psychedelic Practitioners Association
- As We Wake
- Asian Psychedelic Collective
- Black People Trip
- Center of Medicinal Mindfulness
- Chacruna
- Clark Howell LLP
- Compass
- DanceSafe
- Darren Le Baron
- DoubleBlind
- Drug Science
- Embark
- EntheoNation
- Erowid
- Esalen Institute
- Etheogenic Research, Integration, and Education (ERIE)
- EtheoNation
- FFungi
- Fireside Project
- Gaia
- Global Psychedelic Society
- Good Chemistry: The Science of Connection, from Soul to Psychedelics- Julie Holland
- Healing Breakthrough
- Heffter Research Institute
- Heroic Heart Project UK
- Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics
- How Psychedelics Can Help Save the World
- How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence by Michael Pollan
- How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence by Michael
- Innerspace Integration
- International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS)
- JLS Fund
- Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research
- Kahpi
- Kriya Institute: Ketamine Research Institute
- Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities
- Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities
- Lacuna
- Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies (MAPS)
- Naropa University
- National Harm Reduction Coalition
- National Psychedelic Association
- National Psychedelic Association (NPA)
- New York City Psychedelic Society
- North Star
- Oakland Hyphae
- Phoenix Academy
- Psilocybin for Depression
- Psilocybin Medical Trial: The Healing Mushrooms
- PsyCann Advisors
- Psyched: Seven Cutting-Edge Psychedelics Changing the World with Amanda Siebert
- PsychedeLiA Integration
- Psychedelic Bar Association
- Psychedelic Data
- Psychedelic Health Equity Initiative (PHEI)
- Psychedelic Liberation Collective
- Psychedelic Liberation Training
- Psychedelic Seminars
- Psychedelic Sitters School
- Psychedelic Spotlight
- Psychedelic Support
- Psychedelic Times
- Psychedelics Experience
- Psychedelics Today
- Psychedelics: Chemicals, Consciousness, and Creativity
- PsychonautWiki
- Psymposia
- Reconsider
- Remind
- Sacred Ethnobotany Healing
- Soundmind
- The Ancestor Project
- The Beckley Foundation
- The Conscious Fund
- The Graduate Student Association for Psychedelic Studies
- The Guiding Presence
- The Psychedelic Sisterhood
- The River Styx Foundation
- The UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics
- The “heroic dose” of psychedelics, according to Johns Hopkins Dr. Matthew Johnson
- This Is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan
- TripSafe
- Union of Indigenous Yagé Medics of the Colombian Amazon (UMIYAC)
- Usona Institute
- Warriors of Consciousness
- Women Visionary Council
- Yale Psychedelic Science Group
- Zendo Project
- Show Remaining Articles ( 75 ) Collapse Articles
Mental Health Resources
- A Therapist Like Me
- Aakoma
- Addiction Center
- Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional World Service Organization
- Al-Anon (Alcoholic Anonymous)
- Alateen
- Alkeme Health
- Alma
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) National Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan
- Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
- Asian American & Pacific Islander 50 Free Anti-Racism and Mental Health Resources
- Asian American Health Initiative
- Asian American Psychological Association
- Asian American Racism & Mental Health Resources
- Asian Mental Health Collective
- Asian Mental Health Project
- Asians Do Therapy
- Asians For Mental Health
- Association of Black Psychologists Directory
- Bad Bitches have Bad Days Too
- Better Help
- BIPOC Therapy Fund
- Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM)
- Black Female Therapists
- Black Girl Doctor
- Black Girls Smile
- Black Men Heal
- Black Men Health
- Black Mental Health Alliance
- Black Mental Wellness
- Black Women Health Imperative
- Black Women's Mental Health Institute
- Brother, you’re on my mind
- Call Blackline
- Center for Native American Youth
- Chinese-American Family Alliance for Mental Health (CAFAMH)
- Clinicians of Color
- Codependents of Sex Addicts or Co-Sex Addicts (COSA)
- Community Health Equity Alliance (CHEA)
- Crisis Text Line (Text 741741)
- Custom Life Solutions
- Ebony’s Black Mental Health Resources
- Express Yourself Black Men
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- FindHelp
- Free Black Therapy
- GoodTherapy
- Grow Therapy
- Headway
- Healing In Colour
- Help Advisor
- Inclusive Therapists
- Innopsych
- Institute for Muslim Mental Health
- Jiandanxinil
- Latinx Therapists
- Latinx Therapy
- Lee Thompson Young Foundation
- LGBT National Help Center
- LGBTQ Psychotherapists of Color (QTOC)
- Life is Precious
- Love Your Mind Today
- Loveland Foundation
- Mana
- Mango Tree Counseling
- Marijuana Anonymous
- Melanin and Mental Health
- Mendable Worldwide Ltd
- Mental Health America
- Mental Health First Aid
- Mental Health is Health
- Mental Health Match
- Mental Heath Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)
- Mindspring Mental Health Alliance
- Mocha Health
- MyTruCircle
- National Alliance for Hispanic Health
- National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI)
- National American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network
- National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)
- National Association of Black Counselors
- National Deaf Therapy
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988)
- No More Martyrs
- Online Therapy
- Open Counseling
- Open Path Psychotherapy Collective
- Ourselves Black
- POC Online Classroom
- Pretty Brown Girl
- Prospect Therapy
- Psychology Today
- SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline (1-877-360-LGBT)
- SAMHSA- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- SanaMente
- Sista Afya
- SonderMind
- Soulace (App)
- South Asian Mental Health Initiative and Network (SAMHIN)
- South Asian Sexual & Mental Health Alliance (SASMHA)
- South Asian Therapists
- StrongHeart Native Helpline
- Talkiatry
- Talkspace
- The Black Man Can
- The Boris Henson Foundation
- The Mighty
- The Si-We Project
- The Society of Indian Psychologists
- The Steve Fund
- The Trevor Project
- Therapist Neurodiversity Collective
- Therapy Den
- Therapy Dinero
- Therapy for Black Girls
- Therapy for Black Men
- Therapy for Latinx
- Therapy for Queer People of Color
- Therapy in Color
- Therapy That Liberates
- Tran Lifeline
- Underearners Anonymous
- US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
- Wanna Talk About It
- WARMLine
- We R Native
- Wildflower Alliance Peer Support
- WOC Therapy
- Wondermind
- Workaholics Anonymous
- ZenCare
- Zero Suicide in Indian Country
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