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LGBT National Help Center

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) National Help Center, founded in 1996, is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that provides vital peer support, community connections, and resource information through helplines and online chatrooms. Our services focus on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. We are the oldest and most comprehensive national organization of its type and scope in the United States, providing critically needed services regardless of age or geographic location.

We help youth and adults with coming-out issues, safer-sex information, school bullying, family concerns, relationship problems, and a lot more. The people who turn to us for help often live in rural and conservative parts of the country and are frequently feeling severely isolated, closeted and in despair, with literally no one else safe to talk to.

We care deeply about confidentiality. We understand that what is discussed with us is private.

Phone number: 1-888-843-4564

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