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Yale Psychedelic Science Group

The Yale Psychedelic Science Group (YPSG) was founded in January 2016 as an interdisciplinary forum for clinicians and scholars at Yale University to engage with the rapidly evolving field of psychedelic science and therapeutics. Since its establishment, the YPSG has organized a seminar series featuring leading experts from various institutions and disciplines. The primary goals of this forum are to facilitate critical discussions on scientific research related to psychedelics and to foster interdisciplinary dialogue. While the main focus is on the therapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs, speakers also address legal, anthropological, and sociological aspects of psychedelic science. Over the years, the YPSG community has expanded to include over 1000 participants from Yale, other academic institutions, and the broader New Haven community. The YPSG aims to serve as a central hub for scholars and practitioners in this field to connect, present their work, and form collaborations. To this end, the group organizes networking events, journal clubs, and documentary screenings.

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