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No More Martyrs

By encouraging a commitment to revolutionary self-care and unapologetic authenticity, No More Martyrs serves as a clearinghouse of resources for living successfully with mental health concerns as well as a support system for Black women who believe they are facing these issues alone.

Currently, one in four American adults suffers from a mental disorder. Despite recent advances in diagnosis and treatment, African American women are less likely to utilize mental health services than their White counterparts. It is our hope that the information provided and discussions facilitated through the No More Martyrs mental health awareness campaign will positively impact lives as well as inspire decision-makers to creatively address mental health concerns for everyone.

No More Martyrs is a mental health awareness campaign committed to building a community of support for Black women with mental health concerns. Through our sisterhood, we encourage a culture of self-advocacy and self-care that dispels mental health stigma, raises awareness of mental health concerns and increases utilization of mental health services. Our goal is to foster culturally responsive conversations about mental health that offer tools towards recovery and empower Black women to prioritize their holistic wellness.

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